Hi There! in this blog I will explain how to enable an apple MDM push certificate in intune, an apple MDM push certificate is required for intune to manage iOS, iPad, and macOS devices which is a kind of prerequisite.
Step 1: Sign in to Microsoft endpoint manager admin center Link, choose Devices from the left, and select macOS
Step 2: Select the macOS enrollment option and you can see the Apple MDM push certificate option under prerequisites.
Step 3: This will take you to the configuration page of the MDM push certificate, please follow the below steps to complete the configuration Tick on I Agree and Select Download your CSR (certificate signing request) once you select this will download a file called intunecsr.csr
Step 4: Select Create your MDM push Certificate this will take you to the Apple push certificate portal.
As a best practice, it is recommended to use a company email address for Apple ID or a shared mailbox because at the time of certificate renewal if you don't use the existing apple id you won't be able to renew the certificate and this will lead to the creation of a new certificate this will break the communication with the existing enrolled devices, i will be explaining about how APN works in my coming blogs.
Step 5: Provide your apple id to sign in to the Apple Push Certificate portal, once you log in you can see create a certificate tab on the page, click on that to upload the CSR file which was downloaded earlier.
Step 6: Accept the agreement and this will take you to the next page to create a new certificate, click on choose file and select the previously downloaded intunecsr.csr file, and select upload.
Step 7: Once CSR request-id uploads this will generate a new push certificate select download to download the certificate and save it locally on your machine.
Step 8: Provide the apple id which is been used for creating the certificate and select the certificate downloaded from the apple portal and select upload.
Once upload gets completed you can see the status as active and certificate validity details as well in intune and you can see the certificate status in Apple Push Certificate Portal as well